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Here are just a few images from our galleries. 

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Have an idea for a shot, but unsure how to get it? Maybe you need a few extra helpers or hands? Looking for willing models? 


Members are used to working collaboratively to help get the shot. Get instant feedback and help working with fellow students with varying levels of knowledge. 



Take trips to places you would never see. Find hidden gems around the Waukesha area.



With a working darkroom, get hands on application using analog technology. While most art departments are going digital, you can still develop and print your own images. 


Try creating your own camera out of a box or see a camera obscura in action.

Interested in joining one of our meetings? Let's Talk.​


"Photography club helped me see the world differently. Even when I'm working on assignments for other classes, I can incorporate my new found knowledge to help spark creativity."

- Waukesha West Junior


"I learned to be a problem solver. Before joining this club, I was used to going to a search engine like google for my answers. Now, I take the initiative to find the solution myself."

- Waukesha West Sophmore

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